Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Time To Think

This is a question for you Moms out there. Remember when they were babies...the sleep deprivation...the relentlessness...when completing a thought, never mind a sentence was a small miracle? Well I guess I had forgotten it this morning because after 2-1/2 hours of painting, I had to stop and I got angry thinking "I don't even have time to think!" Well, after I asked myself that first question, I did remember that things have changed...a lot. The demands that come with raising a 4 and 6 year old are at times still relentless (and I mean relentless with the utmost affection.) BUT, and there is a but, is DOES get easier. Different and easier. Today I had 2-1/2 hours to think. I do believe in miracles.
Time To Think


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